
Frontline Support: Inside MSS Defence’s Ukraine Desk.


Ukraine service Desk

Amidst the ongoing turmoil in Ukraine, the MSS Defence Ukraine service desk emerges as a critical support system, blending personal experience with professional dedication. Svitlana, who has personally faced the consequences of war, and Dmitry, straddling his identity between two nations, bring unique perspectives to their roles. Their commitment illuminates the importance of tailored support for those directly affected by the conflict. This dialogue explores their motivations, the intricacies of their work, and the impact they strive to achieve, providing a glimpse into the vital support system they offer to a nation in crisis.

Question: Svitlana, as a refugee from Ukraine now working at MSS Defence’s Ukraine Support Desk, how do your personal experiences shape your approach to this role?

Thank you for your question. My status as a citizen of Ukraine significantly reinforces my loyalty and personal responsibility in the role I occupy at the MSS Defence Ukraine Support Desk. This work isn’t merely about personal financial stability for me; first and foremost, it represents my contribution to the undeniable victory of Ukraine. My experiences of working in Ukraine, engaging with state structures, navigating bureaucracy at all levels, understanding people, their lifestyles and work approaches, and my customer-oriented approach – all contribute to maintaining a robust network and achieving results. Additionally, having a family background in the Ukrainian Armed Forces enhances my confidence in the field of military and defence.

Question: Dmitry, being Dutch but also holding a Ukrainian passport, how do you balance these two perspectives in your work at the Ukraine Support Desk?

I arrived in the Netherlands right after the collapse of the Soviet Union, specifically in early January 1992. At that time, many former republics had declared their independence but lacked the necessary resources and were unable to resolve outstanding issues with citizenship, leaving me stateless for a while:) It’s a fascinating story to share. After a period as a refugee, I acquired Dutch citizenship in 1997, just in time to join the Navy in 1998. Serving almost 12 years in the Royal Dutch Navy provided me with a genuine sense of contributing to the country that welcomed and cared for us until we could stand on our own. However, this question is complex for me, particularly because the country where I was born and raised is currently at war and considering that I have lived the majority of my life in the Netherlands, which often leaves me feeling divided. Currently, my heart and my actions are decidedly with Ukraine, while my home, my support, and my family are in the Netherlands.

Question: Svitlana, could you describe the nature of the requests you handle at the Ukraine Support Desk and how you feel about contributing to this cause?

I deal with a wide variety of requests from foundations, companies, individual volunteers, and the military – ranging from personal protective equipment to various optics and more. An individual approach is crucial. I have established a high level of trust with most clients and mutually beneficial support in terms of product delivery, document preparation, etc. I am proud that every client returns and shares positive feedback about our company and service. I have not received a single negative feedback or complaint in two years of my work at MSS Defence.

Question: Dmitry, what inspired you to get involved with MSS Defence’s Ukraine Support Desk, and what has been your most significant learning from this experience?

From the initial days of the war, while still working as Director of Sales for Saab Maritime Traffic Management, I have been engaging with MSS Defence to actively assist Ukraine. Looking back, though it was just over 2 years ago, my involvement in volunteering and actively supporting Ukraine with the help of MSS Defence progressed rather quickly. I joined the MSS Defence team in May 2023, and we have evolved in every possible way and professionalised our services to better serve our customers in Ukraine.

Question: Svitlana, from your perspective, what are the biggest challenges soldiers in Ukraine are currently facing, and how does MSS Defence’s Support Desk assist them?

The most significant issue for the military is the untimely delivery of humanitarian and military aid. At times when there is a critical shortage of shells, military tech, observation optics, drones, and other vitally needed items in certain frontline regions, the military is forced to economise and wait. This inevitably results in losses – of both territories and lives. At MSS Defence, we do our utmost to deliver orders on time, strictly within the specified timeframe, without significant delays, and we are in communication with combat units and volunteers 24/7.

Question: For both: How do you ensure that the military goods provided through the Support Desk meet the specific needs and challenges Ukrainian soldiers face?

Svitlana: Firstly, we pay close attention to the customer’s requirements. When we cannot supply a needed product, we offer an alternative, thoroughly checking all specifications and gathering feedback from suppliers and manufacturers who have experience with specific devices, or from other military personnel who collaborate with us in this direction.

Dmitry: We have decided that Svitlana will take care of daily operations so that I can concentrate on larger, specific requests or those within my area of expertise. I would say our customer focus and the fact that we actively encourage open feedback to further improve our services are the key pillars of successful collaboration with Ukrainian end-users and individual customers.

Question: Dmitry, how do you stay informed about the evolving needs of Ukrainian soldiers, and how does this influence the services the desk offers?

I am in contact with many volunteers who supply combat units and communicate actively with units on active duty along the frontlines. We analyse and share information internally to better align with the needs of the army. It’s a true team effort, with so much information coming from various sources. Thanks to the individual involvement of all team members, sharing, verifying, and acting upon this information has become second nature to us.

Question: Svitlana, what do you find most rewarding about your work at the Ukraine Support Desk, especially considering your background as a refugee?

The greatest reward is communicating with colleagues I love and respect for their contributions to my country and for their personal support. Additionally, daily work with Ukraine makes me feel closer to my home, allowing me to feel at home here in the Netherlands, with Ukraine in my heart.

Question: Dmitry, could you share a particularly impactful experience or success story from your work at the Ukraine Support Desk desk?

There are many stories to share, some joyful and others deeply sad and very personal. But the most impactful thing we have done and continue to do is: No matter how large or small the request for assistance or supply is, we treat everyone with the same dignity and respect they deserve, as we would wish to be treated if our roles were suddenly reversed.

Question: For both: How do you envision the role of MSS Defence’s Ukraine Support Desk in the broader context of the current situation in Ukraine?

Svitlana: I view it such that the company firmly asserts its position and principles regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine and integrity in business relations. This positively affects the company’s image and status and opens up more development opportunities.

Dmitry: We aim to become a partner of choice and an expertise hub for the various products available in our portfolio for our Ukrainian counterparts. It’s indeed true that developments have been rapid, and the situation changes weekly, if not daily. By facilitating and accommodating the exchange of information between manufacturers and end-users, we can make a substantial contribution to the Ukrainian victory.

The stories of Svitlana and Dmitry at the MSS Defence Ukraine Support Desk desk highlight the critical role of personal dedication in addressing the complex needs of a nation at war. Their work is a testament to the power of combining professional expertise with a personal commitment to make a tangible difference in the lives of those fighting on the front lines.

For those looking to learn more about how MSS Defence supports Ukraine, or to inquire about assistance, collaboration, or support, we encourage you to reach out to Svitlana or Dmitry. The Ukraine Support Desk is not just a point of contact but a gateway to contributing towards a significant cause, providing crucial support where it’s needed most. Join us in our mission to empower those who stand in defence of their nation’s sovereignty and future. 💛Slava Ukraini!💙


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