ARGUS M26 universālais stroboskopa akumulatoru komplekts

Portāls ARGUS M26 is a versatile universal strobe battery pack designed to enhance the functionality of your night vision devices with an external power supply via a Fischer port. Easily mountable on the back of your helmet, it serves as a counterweight to reduce strain during extended missions and features two powerful IR strobes for Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) and Search & Rescue (SAR) operations. Equip yourself with the ARGUS M26 for improved performance, reliability, and mission readiness in challenging environments.


Uzlabota nakts redzamība: Uzlabotas nakts redzamības ierīces iespējas ar uzticamu ārējo barošanas avotu un ergonomisku dizainu.


Izturīga konstrukcija: IP67 hermētiskais polimēra korpuss nodrošina ilgmūžību kaujas apstākļos.


Viedā enerģijas pārvaldība: Lai nodrošinātu nemainīgu jaudu, tiek optimizēta AA baterijas veiktspēja.


Kritiskā signalizācija: Divi IR stroboskopi atvieglo drauga vai ienaidnieka identifikāciju (IFF) un meklēšanas un glābšanas (SAR) operācijas, pat ja baterijas uzlāde ir vāja.


Nevainojama integrācija: M26 ir viegli montējams uz ķiverēm, un tas nodrošina daudzpusīgu savietojamību ar dažādām nakts redzamības ierīcēm, uzlabojot operatīvo efektivitāti.

Enhance Your Night Operations with the ARGUS M26 Universal Strobe Battery Pack.

Iepazīstinām ar . ARGUS M26 universālais stroboskopa akumulatoru komplekts, designed to elevate the functionality of your night vision devices. This versatile battery pack provides an external power supply through a Fischer port, or compatible ports with an adaptor cable. Easily mountable on the back of your helmet, it serves as a counterweight to reduce strain during extended missions.

Galvenās funkcijas:
  • Rugged Construction: Built with Argus’ patented polymer casing, the M26 is durable and reliable in harsh combat environments. It meets IP67 sealing standards, ensuring it is waterproof and dustproof.
  • Intelligent Electronics: Equipped with circuit protection against short circuits and high voltage impulses, the M26 uses AA batteries. It automatically adjusts and stabilises voltage based on battery levels, providing consistent power output.
  • Versatile Functionality: The M26 features two powerful IR strobes, aiding in Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) and Search & Rescue (SAR) operations at night. Even with low battery, the strobes maintain functionality, providing essential signalling to friendly aviation and ground units.
Mission Ready Design

Portāls ARGUS M26 universālais stroboskopa akumulatoru komplekts combines robust construction, intelligent electronics, and versatile functionality to enhance jūsu night vision operations in challenging environments. Equip yourself with the M26 and experience improved performance and reliability during your missions.

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