OTTO Communications

OTTO täiustatud ruumilise positsioneerimise Push-to-Talk (ESP PTT)

The OTTO ESP PTT is an advanced push-to-talk device designed to simplify tactical audio management by separating audio channels into distinct directions, reducing cognitive load. Compatible with major radio platforms and intercom systems, it ensures seamless integration and future-ready design for software upgrades. Equip yourself with the OTTO ESP PTT for improved focus and mission readiness in dynamic operations.


Enhanced Spatial Audio: Separates channels into distinct directions, reducing cognitive load and improving retention.


Proven Effectiveness: Independent tests show reduced cognitive load and improved retention with overlapping audio.


Comprehensive Compatibility: Works with major radio platforms and intercoms using detachable cables.


Future-Ready Design: Supports software upgrades for new channel positions and ATAK PTT functionality.


Rugged Reliability: Meets MIL-STD-810G specifications, IP68 immersion rating for harsh conditions.

OTTO ESP PTT: Simplify Your Tactical Audio Management.

Managing multiple audio streams can be challenging in the dynamic world of tactical operations. The OTTO täiustatud ruumilise positsioneerimise Push-to-Talk (ESP PTT) on kavandatud to simplify audio management, ensuring clarity and focus amidst chaos.

Peamised omadused:
  • Enhanced Spatial Audio: Separates audio channels into distinct directions (Left, Left-Front, Right-Front, Right), reducing cognitive load and improving retention.
  • Proven Effectiveness: Independent tests show reduced cognitive load and improved retention with overlapping audio.
  • Comprehensive Compatibility: Works with major radio platforms and vehicular and air-based intercoms (ICS) using detachable cables.
  • Future-Ready Design: Supports software and firmware upgrades for future channel position options and ATAK PTT functionality.
  • Vastupidav töökindlus: Meets MIL-STD-810G specifications and has an IP68 immersion rating of 20m/2 hrs.
  • Saamatu integratsioon: Compatible with PRC-152, PRC-163, and PRC-167 radios, enhancing existing tactical communication setups.

The OTTO ESP PTT is built to withstand harsh conditions and evolve with your needs, making it an indispensable tool for modern tactical teams. Stay focused and mission-ready with this high-quality, empowering audio management solution.

  • Ruumiline heli positsioneerimine: kuni neli kanalit on kuulda kasutaja pea ümber.
  • 4 eraldiseisvat ja kahepoolset Push-to-Talk (PTT) nuppu.
  • Ühildub kõigi suuremate raadioplatvormidega.
  • Patareisid ei ole vaja.
  • Üles/alla helitugevuse, sisse/välja juhtimise nupud olukorrateadlikkuse tagamiseks.
  • Ühe-/kahe-/kolm-/kolm-/neliühenduste modulaarsus.
  • MOLLE kinnitussüsteem lisatud.
  • Vasakpoolne, parempoolne pööratav.
  • Modulaarkaablid iga raadio/seadme jaoks.
  • Helitugevuse reguleerimine +/-12 dB võimendatud kuulmise jaoks.
  • Vastab MIL-STD-810G nõuetele.
  • Vastab IP68 sukeldumisstandarditele, et taluda 31 minutit 3 jalga.

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