The GSCI TCS-6000-MOD is a professional-grade thermal clip-on sight designed for military use. It offers unmatched robustness, reliability, and cutting-edge technology. A user-friendly interface and outstanding durability ensure superior target acquisition and situational awareness in the most demanding environments. Enhance your tactical edge with the TCS-6000-MOD and ensure mission success every time.


Professional-Grade Performance: TCS-6000-MOD ensures top-tier functionality, designed specifically for military use.


Cutting-Edge Technology: Latest hardware and software enhance target acquisition and situational awareness.


User-Friendly Interface: Seamless integration and operation with intuitive controls.


Outstanding Durability: MIL-STD enclosure, precision-crafted for robustness in the harshest conditions.


Long-Lasting Power: Quick-swap AA cartridges provide up to 25 hours of autonomy with MVP-240 pack.

GSCI TCS-6000-MOD: Elevate Your Tactical Edge.

Tutvustame GSCI TCS-6000-MOD seeria, the latest evolution in professional termiline klambriga sihtmärgid. Building on the legacy of the CTS series, this new model delivers unmatched robustness, reliability, and technological superiority, setting a new standard in tactical optics.

Peamised omadused:
  • Professional-Grade Performance: Designed specifically for military use, ensuring top-tier functionality.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Incorporates the latest hardware and software for superior target acquisition and situational awareness.
  • Ease of Operation: User-friendly interface for seamless integration and operation.
  • Outstanding Durability: Battle-proven MIL-STD enclosure and precision-crafted to the tightest tolerances.
  • Long-Lasting Power: Powered by AA batteries in quick-swap cartridges, with up to 25 hours of autonomy using the MVP-240 pack.
Saadaval olevad mudelid:
  • TCS-6075-MOD
  • TCS-6100-MOD

The TCS-6000-MOD seeria is engineered to withstand the harshest conditions, ensuring optimal performance in the most demanding environments. This series empowers you with unprecedented target acquisition, situational awareness, and decisive engagement, ensuring mission success every time. Embrace the power and precision of the GSCI TCS-6000-MOD seeria and redefine your operational capabilities.

  • FPA värskendussagedus: 9Hz või 50Hz
  • Digitaalne zoom: 2X, 4X, 8X
  • Näita: Täissuurus: 0,6-tolline, AMOLED, värviline, 800×600
  • Pildistamisrežiimid: Ühevärviline + 8 värvipaletti
  • Konversioon iseseisvaks vaatluseks (TWS): Jah
  • Digitaalne videosalvesti: Vabatahtlik: Sisseehitatud
  • GPS: Valikuline
  • Kompass: Jah
  • Kaldemõõtur: Jah
  • Güroskoop: Jah
  • Reguleeritav löögiandur: Jah
  • Toiteallikas: 4tk AA ja välised (nt MVP-240)
  • Aku eluiga: Kuni 13 tundi 4xAA-ga või kuni 25 tundi koos MVP-240-ga.
  • Töötemperatuur: -40°C .. +50°C
  • Tootja garantii: 7 aastat, piiratud
  • Mõeldud professionaalseks kasutamiseks
  • Kuuritud tehnoloogiliste funktsioonide kogum
  • Keskendub töö lihtsusele
  • Suurepärane vastupidavus ja usaldusväärsus
  • Viimase põlvkonna riistvara ja tarkvara
  • Lahinguproovitud MIL-STD korpus
  • Täppisvalmistus, mis vastab kõige täpsematele tolerantsidele
  • Toitub AA-patareidest kiirvahetuskassettides
  • Eriti pikk autonoomia MVP-240 pakendil: kuni 25 tundi

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