

The FUJINON Stabiskoop S1240 features advanced gyroscopic stabilisation for precise observation in any environment. Engineered for versatility, it adapts to multiple power sources and offers exceptional user comfort with customisable accessories. Elevate your mission-readiness and experience optimal optical performance with the Stabiscope S1240.


Revolutsiooniline stabiilsus: FUJINON Stabiskoop S1240 pakub enneolematut ±5° güroskoopilist kompensatsiooni, mis tagab stabiilse vaatluse igas asendis.


Kohandatavad toitevõimalused: Mitmekülgsed toiteallikad, alates 12-32 VDC kuni AA-patareideni, tagavad paindlikkuse erinevates keskkondades.


Kohandatav mugavus: Mõlema käe jaoks mõeldud lisatarvikud suurendavad mugavust ja kohandatavust konkreetsetele töövajadustele.


Teema lukustamise täpsus: Güroskoopiline stabiliseerimine tagab stabiilse vaatluse isegi suure suurenduse korral, mis on oluline õiguskaitse- ja õhurakenduste puhul.


Vastupidav jõudlus: Stabiskoop on veekindel, udukindel ja kummist soomustatud ning talub keerulisi tingimusi, pakkudes usaldusväärset toimimist igas keskkonnas.

FUJINON Stabiscope S1240: Empowering Your Observation with Unmatched Stability.

Experience a new level of stability and precision with the FUJINON Stabiskoop S1240. Whether sa oled navigating turbulent waters or conducting aerial surveillance, these binoculars on kavandatud to keep your view steady and clear.

Peamised omadused:
  • Advanced Gyroscopic Stabilisation:
    • Compensates for movements with ±5° accuracy along any axis
    • Ensures stable viewing even when aiming vertically
  • Versatile Power Options:
    • Compatible with 12-32 VDC electrical systems in vehicles
    • Can also be powered by four AA batteries or a single 2CR5 battery
  • User Comfort and Customization:
    • Designed for both left- and right-hand use
    • Optional accessories like polarizing filters and eyecups
  • Exceptional Subject-Locking:
    • Maintains a stable field of vision even at high magnifications
    • Absorbs vibrations for steady views in challenging conditions
  • Built for Rugged Use:
    • 100% waterproof and fog proof
    • Rubber-armored housing for enhanced durability
  • Superior Optics:
    • Phase-coated BAK4 roof prisms
    • Fujinon EBC multi-coatings for optimal light transmission
    • Optional haze eyepiece filters for tailored viewing
  • Adaptable Design:
    • 60-70mm inter pupillary adjustment range
    • ±5 dioptriline korrektsioon

The FUJINON Stabiskoop S1240 is your reliable companion for mission readiness, offering the highest quality in binocular observation. Its cutting-edge stabilisation technology, versatile power options, and robust design ensure you’re always prepared, regardless of the environment or situation. Empower your observation experience with the FUJINON Stabiscope S1240.

  • Ehituse tüüp: Katus
  • Suurendus: 12
  • Esiklaasi läbimõõt (mm): 40
  • Väljapääsupill (mm): 3.3
  • Silmade kaugus (mm): 17
  • Silmaklaasikarbid: kokkuklapitavad
  • Dopteri kompensatsioon: +/- 5
  • Dioptria reguleerimise pool: mõlemal küljel (ühe okulaari fookus)
  • Pupillide vaheline kaugus (mm): 60-70
  • Objektiivi kate: faasikate, täielik mitmekihiline kate
  • Fookussüsteem: Ühekordne fookustamine

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