"(《世界人权宣言》) UKRSPEC SYSTEMS SHARK UAS is a multifunctional unmanned aerial system designed for reconnaissance, surveillance, and long-distance recognition, essential for military missions. With an extended flight time of up to 4 hours and a communication range of 80 km, it excels in covering extensive routes and high-altitude operations. Equip yourself with the SHARK UAS for robust, reliable, and versatile aerial capabilities, ensuring mission success and superior performance 在现场。


Extended Endurance: Up to 4 hours flight time, covering routes up to 300 km efficiently.


Long-Range Communication: Maintain control and data transmission up to 80 km for extensive missions.


High Altitude Capability: Operates effectively at altitudes up to 3000 meters for versatile deployment.


Advanced Imaging: Equipped with USG-231 EO camera, 30x optical zoom, and gyro-stabilisation for clear imaging.


Electronic Warfare Resistance: Fortified with advanced measures to resist electronic warfare attacks, ensuring operation.

SHARK UAS: Mastering Multifunctional Autonomy.

Experience unmatched versatility and performance with the UKRSPEC SYSTEMS SHARK UAS. Designed for a wide range of missions, this multifunctional unmanned aerial system excels in reconnaissance, surveillance, and long-distance recognition, making it an essential tool for military personnel.

  • Extended Endurance: Average flight time of up to 4 hours, covering extensive routes up to 300 km.
  • Long-Range Communication: Maintain control and data transmission up to 80 km.
  • High Altitude Capability: Operates effectively at altitudes up to 3000 m.
  • Lightweight and Agile: Maximum takeoff weight of 12.5 kg for flexible deployment.
  • Global Accessibility: ITAR-free status with no export restrictions, ensuring easy access worldwide.
Advanced Imaging and Control:
  • USG-231 EO 摄像机系统: Equipped with a day-view Full HD sensor, 30x optical zoom, and 3x digital zoom, featuring gyro- and digital stabilisation for clear and precise imaging.
  • Enhanced UAV Control Software: Features automated mission planning, real-time data streaming, customisable waypoint navigation, and fail-safe measures for efficient operations.
Efficient Takeoff and Landing:
  • Bungee SCL-1A UAV Launching System: Fully automated catapult takeoff system for quick launches at speeds up to 25 m/s.
  • Parachute Landing System: Ensures safe descents with reusable parachutes that automatically detach upon ground contact.
Electronic Warfare Resistance:
  • Military-Grade Protection: Fortified with advanced electronic protection measures to resist electronic warfare attacks, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
Proven in Combat:
  • Combat-Proven Reliability: Actively serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, receiving positive feedback from officers, drone operators, and intelligence agents.

Empower your missions with the 鲨鱼无人机系统, the ultimate solution for robust, reliable, and versatile aerial operations.

  • 飞行模式 自动/手动
  • 起飞和着陆 弹射起飞和降落伞着陆
  • 加密实时全高清视频和遥测数据: 长达 80 公里
  • 全球导航卫星系统: GPS 和其他 3 种模式
  • 自动返回: 通信中断时
  • 飞行时间 长达 4 小时(含 EO 有效载荷)
  • 服务上限: 3000 m
  • 最大飞行速度 130 公里/小时
  • 巡航速度 每小时 75 公里
  • 失速速度: 60 公里/小时
  • 全长: 1650 毫米
  • 高度 300 毫米
  • 翼展 3.4 m
  • 发动机 电动马达
  • MTOW:12.5 千克
  • 工作温度: -15/+45 °C
  • 起飞速度高达 10 米/秒
