
Escudo de proteção contra drones DroneSentry

O Escudo de proteção contra drones DroneSentry is an autonomous system designed to protect you against UxS threats. It features radar, RF detectors, cameras, and AI-driven computer vision for real-time tracking and identification. Equip yourself with DroneSentry for reliable consciência situacional e threat management.


Comprehensive UxS Defence: DroneSentry integrates radar, RF detectors, and cameras for ultimate situational awareness.


AI-Driven Tracking: Utilises DroneOptID technology for real-time detection, verification, and tracking of UAS threats.


Flexible Deployment: Suitable for permanent or temporary installations, covering large areas effectively.


Non-Kinetic Countermeasures: Optional DroneCannon RF jamming offers non-kinetic threat management without cyber tactics.


Mission-Ready System: Ensures comprehensive surveillance and UxS threat management for single or large perimeter protection.

DroneSentry: Your Autonomous Defence Against UxS Threats.

When it comes to mission readiness, DroneSentry is your ultimate ally. This autonomous, integrated detection and countermeasure system offers you the highest quality in UxS protection, empowering you to handle any threat with confiança.

Características principais:
  • Comprehensive Sensor Suite
    • Incorporates Radar, RfOne RF detectors, and cameras
    • Provides maximum situational awareness
    • Enables automatic identification and response to intrusions
  • Advanced Optical Capabilities
    • Utilises DroneOptID AI-driven computer vision technology
    • Detects, verifies, and tracks UAS in real-time
  • Flexible Deployment Options
    • Suitable for permanent or temporary installations
    • Operates effectively as a single system or multiple systems for large coverage areas
  • End-to-End Protection
    • Includes optional DroneCannon RF countermeasures
    • Offers non-kinetic jamming to manage threats without cyber tactics
Empowering Your Mission

With DroneSentry, you gain an edge in situational awareness and response. Whether you’re protecting a single site or a large perimeter, DroneSentry ensures you have the tools you need for comprehensive surveillance and UxS threat management.

Suporte de hardware e software:
  • SmartHub - Processador
  • DroneSentry-C2 - Sistema de comando e controlo e gémeo digital
  • DroneOptID - Deteção e identificação ótica por IA (opcional)
  • ComputeNode (na nuvem ou no local)
    *O hardware de apoio varia consoante a conceção do sítio e os requisitos de rede.
Opções de saída:
  • DroneSentry-C2
  • Alertas com base em IP (correio eletrónico, SMS, XML/JSON) indicando a zona e qualquer evidência de sensor adicional
  • Telemóvel (SMS, chamada telefónica audível)
  • Interface Websockets
  • Ligação ethernet com fios
Ambiente e instalação:
  • Componentes do sistema adequados para instalação permanente ou temporária
  • Plataforma de montagem dos componentes do sensor adaptável ao ambiente de instalação
  • É necessária uma plataforma de montagem elevada para linhas de visão claras sobre o horizonte e sobre a área a monitorizar
  • O controlo associado aos sensores, a PSU e o equipamento eletrónico de rede devem ser instalados no interior, perto do local, ou numa caixa externa adequada à prova de intempéries
  • Certificado pelo Centro de Proteção das Infra-estruturas Nacionais do Governo do Reino Unido.
  • A certificação aplica-se à capacidade de deteção multi-sensor.

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