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"OTTO Lynq PRO" greito diegimo rinkinys

Svetainė "OTTO Lynq PRO" greito diegimo rinkinys is a comprehensive solution for enhancing tactical connectivity and situational awareness. It is available in 6 or 12 device configurations. It includes an onboard computer for mission programming, a protective case with onboard power, and support for up to 24 users for larger operations. Equip your team with the Lynq PRO Rapid Deployment Kit to ensure unmatched connectivity, security, and mission readiness in any environment.


Bendras komandos sąmoningumas: "Lynq PRO" leidžia kurti slaptus ad-hoc duomenų tinklus pagal pareikalavimą, skatinančius dalytis padėties duomenimis realiuoju laiku.


Ilgo nuotolio ryšys: Naudojamas mažo galingumo, tylus radijo dažnių tinklas, užtikrinantis išgyvenamumą net ir esant ryšio trūkumui.


Universali navigacija: Siūlomos maršruto parinkimo, "breadcrumbing", geografinių ribų nustatymo ir grįžimo į namus funkcijos, kad būtų galima lanksčiai naudoti lauke.


Išplėstinės saugumo funkcijos: LPI/LPD saugus, AES 256 bitų šifravimas, radijo dažnių tyla ir atsparumas užgriuvimui, kad operacijos būtų saugios.


Patikimas dizainas ir suderinamumas: MIL-STD-810G reikalavimus atitinkanti, maksimali išėjimo galia 1 vatas, veikianti 902-928 MHz dažniu, su išsklaidyto spektro dažnio peršokimo technologija.

OTTO Lynq PRO Rapid Deployment Kit: Elevate Your Tactical Connectivity.

Svetainė OTTO Lynq PRO is the ultimate solution for enhancing your team’s connectivity and situational awareness. Available in 6 or 12 device configurations, the "OTTO Lynq PRO" greito diegimo rinkinys revolutionises tactical communication, empowering your team with cutting-edge technology for total awareness in the field.

Išsamus rinkinio dizainas:
  • Force Multiplier: Includes an onboard computer for streamlined mission programming and unit activation.
  • Protective Case: Safeguards equipment and provides onboard power, ensuring units are fully charged and ready.
  • Scalable: Supports up to 24 users by seamlessly combining kits for larger operations.
Bendras komandos sąmoningumas:
  • Positional Data Sharing: Creates covert ad-hoc data networks for enhanced situational awareness.
  • Long-Range, Low Power Network: Ensures connectivity even in communication-denied scenarios.
  • Secure Communication: Enables sharing of peer-to-peer location, data, and information without traditional networks.
Išplėstinės funkcijos:
  • Navigation: Routes to waypoints or teammates, breadcrumbing, geofencing, and return-to-home functions.
  • Timing: Internal GPS clock, auto-detect signal loss, timestamped events, and multi-format timing.
  • Apsauga: LPI/LPD safe, AES 256-bit encryption, RF Quiet, peer-to-peer LAN resistant to long-range jamming.
Saugus funkcionalumas:
  • ATAK Compatibility: Transmit and receive operations, password protection, self-forming, and self-healing networks.
  • Positioning: PLI data for up to 24 users, fused GNSS capabilities, Lat/Long & MGRS coordinates.
  • Display: Sunlight-readable monochrome display for clear visibility in all conditions.
Sukurta, kad atlaikytų:
  • Durability: Meets MIL-STD-810G standards with a 1-watt max output and operates in the 902-928MHz range.
  • Battery Life: Internal rechargeable 2000mAh LiPo battery for extended operational life.
  • Ease of Control: Can be operated via buttons on the device or remotely through ATAK.

Svetainė "OTTO Lynq PRO" greito diegimo rinkinys is a strategic asset for modern tactical teams. It ensures unmatched connectivity, security, and situational awareness in the most demanding operational environments. Equip your team with the best and stay mission-ready.

  • Įrenginys: 2,3" x 4" x 1,2" x 1,2" kiekviename vienete
  • Dėklas: 23″x14″x10″
  • Vidinė įkraunama 2000 mAh LiPo baterija
  • Mygtukų įvestis įrenginyje arba valdoma per ATAK
  • Atitinka MIL-STD-810G reikalavimus
  • 1 vato maksimali išėjimo galia
  • Veikia 902-928 MHz dažniu
  • Išsklaidytojo spektro dažnio peršokimo technologija

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