

The FUJIFILM SX1600 is a revolutionary camera designed for unparalleled long-range imaging, ideal for military personnel and various tactical operations. With a wide telephoto range of 40mm to 1600mm, extendable to 3200mm with digital zoom, it captures fast-moving targets with ultra-high-speed autofocus. Equip yourself with the FUJIFILM SX1600 for superior surveillance, security, and inspection capabilities, ensuring mission readiness and precision.


Kemampuan Jarak Jauh yang Serbaguna: FUJIFILM SX1600 mencakup kisaran fokus dari 40mm hingga 3200mm yang diperpanjang, merevolusi pencitraan.


Solusi Pengawasan Komprehensif: Ideal untuk keamanan, SX1600 memastikan pengawasan jarak jauh dengan autofokus berkecepatan sangat tinggi untuk menangkap target dengan cepat.


Deteksi Bencana Cepat: Performa telefoto membantu dalam mendeteksi kebakaran hutan, banjir, dan letusan gunung berapi, memastikan tindakan pencegahan bencana yang cepat.


Tugas Inspeksi yang Efisien: Akurasi operasional yang tinggi mengurangi jam kerja dan meningkatkan keselamatan dalam inspeksi turbin angin dan saluran transmisi.


Kemungkinan Pencitraan Kreatif: Dari fotografi jarak jauh hingga pengamatan astronomi, SX1600 mendefinisikan ulang ekspresi gambar dalam berbagai skenario hiburan.

FUJIFILM SX1600: Revolutionise Long-Range Surveillance and Imaging.

Temukan FUJIFILM SX1600, your ultimate solution for unparalleled long-range imaging. Designed for military personnel, this camera combines exceptional lens technology with advanced image processing to meet the demands of various tactical operations.

Fitur Utama:
  • Wide to Telephoto Range: Covers 40mm to 1600mm, extendable to 3200mm with digital zoom.
  • Ultra-High-Speed Autofocus: Captures fast-moving targets like drones, enhancing security and surveillance.
  • Disaster Prevention: Ideal for monitoring forest fires, floods, and other emergencies from a safe distance.
  • Inspection Excellence: Perfect for inspecting wind turbines, transmission lines, and other critical infrastructure.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for security, disaster detection, inspections, and even entertainment like sports and astronomy.

Equip yourself with the FUJIFILM SX1600 and experience the next level of long-range imaging and surveillance.

  • Zoom optik: 40x
  • Zoom digital: 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x
  • Panjang fokus: 40mm - 1600mm
  • Rasio aperture maksimum: 1:8 (W), 1:14.8 (T)
  • Jarak objek minimum (M.O.D) dari lensa depan:
  • 10m (panjang fokus 40 - 800mm)
  • 20m (panjang fokus 801 - 1600mm)
  • Sudut pandang [16:9 (H x V)]: P: 21,0° x 11,9° T: 0,27° x 0,15°

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