레코드 구조

반영구적 구조물 레코드

The REKORD 반영구적 구조물 are designed to meet the diverse spatial needs of military operations, from command centres to secure storage areas and training facilities. With temperature-controlled environments and custom options for flooring, lighting, and sound, these structures ensure mission success. Choose REKORD to enhance your 운영 효율성 with tailored, high-quality solutions.


Versatile Military Applications: REKORD Semi-Permanent Structures meet diverse operational needs, ensuring mission readiness and success.


Optimal Operational Conditions: Maintain temperature control with REKORD structures, crucial for mission readiness and effectiveness.


Tailored Solutions for Military Needs: REKORD structures are custom-built to your specifications, optimizing your operational capabilities.


Seamless Construction Process: Choose REKORD for a smooth building process, prioritizing your military operational requirements.


Enhanced Situational Awareness: REKORD structures offer customizable options for increased privacy and awareness in military settings.

Empower Your Operations with REKORD Semi-Permanent Structures.

향상 mission readiness 와 함께 REKORD 반영구적 구조물, designed to meet the diverse spatial needs of 군사 작전. Whether it’s setting up a command centre를 생성하여 secure storage area for equipment, or establishing training facilities, our adaptable solutions are tailored specifically for you.

Our structures provide versatile spaces for a wide array of military applications. Custom-built to your specifications, we ensure your operational requirements are met.

Key features:
  • Temperature-Controlled Environments: Maintain optimal conditions regardless of external weather, which is crucial for mission success.
  • Custom Flooring, Lighting, and Sound: Equip your space to meet specific operational needs.
  • Choice of Membrane: Select from opaque, translucent, or transparent options to enhance situational awareness and privacy.
사용 가능한 옵션:
  • RFS 시리즈 구조
  • ALU 시리즈 구조

With 기록, the construction process is seamless. We prioritise your operational needs and deliver a structure that meets and exceeds your expectations.

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