





について GSCI PVS-7 is an advanced night vision goggles system, offering versatile design options for handheld, head-mounted, or helmet-integrated use. Featuring manual gain control and automatic brightness adjustment, it ensures optimal visibility in diverse lighting conditions. Equip yourself with the PVS-7 for unmatched reliability and performance in critical night operations.


Battle-Proven Reliability: GSCI PVS-7 delivers unmatched performance trusted by NATO and allied forces.


Adaptability in Darkness: Versatile design allows handheld, head-mounted, or helmet integration for diverse scenarios.


Enhanced Visibility: Manual gain control and automatic brightness adjustment optimise performance in varying conditions.


Long-Range Precision: Optional magnification transforms PVS-7 into powerful long-range binoculars for extended observation.


Trusted by Professionals: GSCI PVS-7 ensures exceptional situational awareness and reliability in critical operations.

GSCI PVS-7: Your Trusted Night Vision Companion.

を体験しよう GSCI PVS-7 advanced night vision goggles, trusted by NATO and allied forces worldwide. These goggles have been your go-to choice for unparalleled reliability and performance in the most challenging scenarios for decades.

  • Versatile Design: Handheld, head-mounted, or helmet-integrated for adaptability in any situation.
  • MODバージョン: Ingeniously engineered power source connection for extended operational time.
  • マニュアル・ゲイン・コントロール: Customise performance to your preferences for optimal visibility.
  • Automatic Brightness Control: Adjusts image intensifier tube brightness for varying light conditions.
  • Infra-red Illuminator: Navigate and operate effectively in complete darkness, with a warning light for active IR function.
  • High Light Cut-Off: Protects against exposure to bright light sources for prolonged durability.
  • Long-Range Objectives: Optional 3X or 5X magnification transforms goggles into powerful long-range binoculars.
Key features:
  • Universal Night Operations Tool
  • 両眼観察
  • 卓越した状況認識
  • Optional Manual Gain, Power Port and Stow Safety Features (PVS-7-MOD)
  • 長距離観測

について GSCI PVS-7 rigorously tested to deliver exceptional performance and unwavering reliability in the most challenging environments. Trusted by military and law enforcement agencies globally, it meets the highest standards for professionals operating in high-stakes scenarios.

  • レンズシステム: 27mm、F1.2
  • 視度調整範囲: -6 .. +2
  • 光学倍率: 1X
  • 瞳孔間調整範囲: 55mm ... 71mm
  • 視野(FOV): 40°
  • IRイルミネーター: あり:ビルトイン
  • 明るい光センサー: あり:ビルトイン
  • IR LEDインジケーター: はい
  • 明るいLEDインジケーター: はい
  • ローバッテリーLEDインジケーター: はい
  • 収納安全機能: いいえ
  • フリップアップ・オフ機能: はい
  • 外部電源ポート: いいえ
  • 電源: 単3×2本
  • 電池寿命(単3×2本): 50時間
  • MVP-240のバッテリー寿命: 該当なし
  • 環境保護: 防水
  • 動作温度: -40°C ..+50°C
  • 寸法: 152 x 152 x 76mm
  • 体重だ: 375グラム
  • 保証: 7年、限定
